Sinopsis: Jack and I, we did everything backward. The day he lured me into his office-which was also the first day we met-he proposed. You'd think a guy who looked like him-a bit cold maybe, but still striking and very unattainable-would only ask the love of his life to marry him, right? You'd think he must be madly in love. Nope. It was me he asked. A complete stranger who had never even heard of him. A stranger who had been dumped by her fiancé only weeks before. You'd think I'd laugh in his face, call him insane-and a few other names-then walk away as quickly as possible. Well…I did all those things except the walking away part. It took him only minutes to talk me into a business deal…erm, I mean marriage, and only days for us to officially tie the knot. Happiest day of my life. Magical. Pop the champagne… Not. It was the worst day. Jack Hawthorne was nothing like what I'd imagined for myself. I blamed him for my lapse in judgment. I blamed his eyes, the ocean blue eyes that looked straight into mine unapologetically, and that frown on his face I had no idea I would become so fascinated with in time. It wasn't long after he said I was the biggest mistake of his life that things started to change. No, he still didn't talk much, but anyone can string a few words together. His actions spoke the loudest to me. And day after day my heart started to get a mind of its own. One second he was no one. The next he became everything. One second he was unattainable. The next he seemed to be completely mine. One second I thought we were in love. The next it was still nothing but a lie. After all, I was Rose and he was Jack. We were doomed from the very beginning with those names. Did you expect anything else?
¡Hola! ¿Ya les he contado lo que me gustan las historias de matrimonio por conveniencia? Pues les cuento es uno de mis guilty pleasures favoritos, de verdad disfruto mucho estas historias clichés que cada vez se ven menos por eso cuando salió este libro era un SÍ tienes que leerlo. Les dejo la sinopsis y la reseña a continuación.


Jack and I, we did everything backward. The day he lured me into his office-which was also the first day we met-he proposed. You'd think a guy who looked like him-a bit cold maybe, but still striking and very unattainable-would only ask the love of his life to marry him, right? You'd think he must be madly in love.
Nope. It was me he asked. A complete stranger who had never even heard of him. A stranger who had been dumped by her fiancé only weeks before. You'd think I'd laugh in his face, call him insane-and a few other names-then walk away as quickly as possible. Well…I did all those things except the walking away part.
It took him only minutes to talk me into a business deal…erm, I mean marriage, and only days for us to officially tie the knot. Happiest day of my life. Magical. Pop the champagne… Not. It was the worst day. Jack Hawthorne was nothing like what I'd imagined for myself.
I blamed him for my lapse in judgment. I blamed his eyes, the ocean blue eyes that looked straight into mine unapologetically, and that frown on his face I had no idea I would become so fascinated with in time.
It wasn't long after he said I was the biggest mistake of his life that things started to change. No, he still didn't talk much, but anyone can string a few words together. His actions spoke the loudest to me. And day after day my heart started to get a mind of its own.
One second he was no one. The next he became everything. 
One second he was unattainable. The next he seemed to be completely mine.
One second I thought we were in love. The next it was still nothing but a lie.
After all, I was Rose and he was Jack. We were doomed from the very beginning with those names. Did you expect anything else?



La historia comienza de una manera muy peculiar con una boda muy al estilo Besar un Ángel pero sin la parte graciosa. Se supone que con ese acuerdo los dos sacan algo del matrimonio ella puede poner su cafetería y no perder los 50 mil dólares de la inversión y él la propiedad que le dejaría el tío al marido de ella una vez que se casara. 
El asunto aquí es que él no necesita casarse para poder tener esa propiedad es un hombre rico que puede conseguir la que quiera, aquí empieza el misterio de todo, las motivaciones que tiene el para casarse y la pregunta del millón ¿Qué saca el de ese matrimonio?

Al principio todo es un misterio, hasta la narrativa tenía un halo extraño, él es un enigma 100% y saben que, no ayudó que no leí la sinopsis pero a la vez siento que la experiencia a fue diferente a sí la hubiera leído.



Ese hombre ay es que ese HOMBREEE, es muy mi tipo de protas ( tengo varios tipos y este es uno de mis favs ok?) Sexy, Suit and Tie, ojos azules, personalidad fría y misteriosa pero cuando descubres su verdadero yo son skalkfldsfdsklfd 😍💕🔥PURE LOVE!!! 
Amé a Jack, un hombre de pocas palabras pero que tenía gestos demasiado dulces, desde el principio me ganó y me tenía embobada.
Rose al principio no me convencía del todo pero ya después me agradó y dije está bien si te mereces a Jack.

¿Qué si me gustó?

Como les dije al principio su relación es muy slow entonces cuando sucedió el esperado beso fue Oh my GOSH que beso y todas los sexy time fueron 👌👌🔥🔥aprobadas por mí.
La pareja tenía mucha química.

Aunque fue un libro un poco largo para mi gusto, pero me gustó bastante y sí a ustedes les gusta esta temática tanto como a mí, se los recomiendo. 

A ti querido lector:

Es un libro que tiene un ritmo lento al igual que la relación sientes que no avanzan pero eso lo hizo más creíble y ellos se fueron enamorando poco a poco sobre todo ella que le tenía gran desconfianza pero con pocas palabras pero sí mucho hechos la fue conquistando y él sin tenerlo planeado.😍


*** 4 Propose Me Marriage Jack STARS *** 
Viri Villarreal

Viri Villarreal

Mexicana. No soy experta. Soy curiosa, de las que saben un poquito de muchas cosas. Blog de literatura, música, cine, belleza, moda, salud y más. Búscame en mis redes sociales como @virilareal→

¡No olvides comentar!:


  1. ¡Hola! Pues a mí no me termina de llamar así que en principio no me animo con él. Un besote :)
